Image of holding hands
Fingers interlaced

Remember that little fingerplay, “Here is the church, and here is the steeple. Open the doors and see all the people”? I was at church yesterday and, boy, it was weird… there were no people. The next part is “close the doors and hear them pray.” Well, at the moment, the doors are closed, but I know you are praying for each other and for folks who are suffering around the world.

How like Jesus that is… praying for healing, for new life, for a revival of spirit, hope, peace and unity in a world that so desperately needs these. Keep letting others know you care. Keep praying and soon we will be back again in our buildings worshipping together.

Until then, remember you are the church right where you are. Worship and celebrate God’s presence in your life. Remember, “Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world”. Looking forward to seeing you sooner than later.

-Pastor Jon